
Clin-EPR is a company that has been developed to facilitate the development of in vivo EPR by enabling technology developed at Dartmouth (and elsewhere) to become available for purchase for investigational use. Clin-EPR, LCC is the world’s first and only provider of clinical EPR systems, equipment, methods, and support to the medical research and scientific community. It also is the source of the most sensitive preclinical EPR systems for making measurements in living animals.

One of the guiding principles of Clin-EPR is to provide scientific expertise and maximize the usefulness of in vivo EPR to address significant health problems. In order to advance these goals, Clin-EPR is glad to enter into collaborative partnerships with users of our instrumentation. The areas in which we are especially suited for such collaborations include oximetry, dosimetry, and the roles of free radicals in biological systems. Information on our expertise in these areas are provided in more detail in the section on the principal personnel.

Founded and directed by Harold Swartz, it now includes EPR experts from engineering, Medicine and Biology. Clin-EPR is chiefly responsible for delivering functional investigation devices and deploying practical procedures to aspiring researchers in clinical settings looking to advance their developments using this novel technique to establish applications that can impact the effectiveness of clinical medicine. Existing in vivo applications include: tooth and nail dosimetry for unexpected radiation exposures, and oximetry to improve treatment and outcomes for cancer, wound healing, and peripheral vascular disease.
